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My 1st Million In Funding

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Temet Nosce,

September 9, 2024, marks my first million in funding from a prop firm. It was difficult but I did it. I set a goal and exceeded it. Not only did I achieve my goal, I did it in a repeatable, predictable manner. Which means my success should continue for a very long time, as long as market conditions do not drastically change.

My prop firm journey started in January of this year, and it was definitely a challenge overcoming the trailing drawdown. However, I am proof that it can be done. It is not my favorite way of trading, but Apex makes the rules because it is their money. But as you can see, success within their parameters is achievable. 

I passed evaluations for a combination of $100K static, $50K trailing, and $250K trailing accounts totaling $1,000,000 in funding over 13 accounts. I did it with a simple trading plan that aimed to make between $250 to $500 a day, with one to two trades. I collected the profit from my small wins quickly and kept my losses small. The mission was to live to fight another day, and to win more than I loss. 

My end game is to trade 20 accounts at once and use the power of the compounding profits to make significant gains. So I have seven more to obtain, and the only question is the amounts those accounts will be. Will they be $50K's, $100K's, $100K Statics, or $250K's, only time will tell. However, I plan to slow down and give myself until the end of the year to complete my mission. I may wait until 2025 to add some commas to the PA accounts, but as of today I am definitely waiting until these September dips correct themselves. 

So stay tuned, wish me luck, and I hope my determination motivates someone to get active. I was once on the sidelines watching influencers say good and bad things about various companies, before I decided to find out for myself. If you decide to come off the sidelines, drown out the noise and people looking for views and clicks. Stay away from home run strategies and develop a simple, repeatable, predictable trading plan. It sounds boring, but sometimes boring consistent behavior evolves into to perfection. Your goal should be to have your PA account 20 years from now, and let your profits fund your dreams. We all have 24 hours in a day, use your time wisely. America is the greatest country in the world and the easiest to build wealth. No excuses!

YouTube: Red Pill Futures Matrix

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