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The APEX Prop Firm Eval

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Temet Nosce,

Monday June 24, 2024 marks the first time that I passed an evaluation for a prop firm. As you can see in the evaluation picture, I am on my 38th evaluation account. Yes, 38 attempts are a lot of attempts and a lot of strategies deployed. However, when I started in January of this year, I was new to trading for a prop firm. I had to change my trading style to fit their rules and change how I approached trading, especially with the small and auto trailing draw downs. I also, do not have the luxury to be able to sit in front of the computer and trade during peak hours every day, so it was a big adjustment. Plus, I couldn't hold trades over night, so I really had to think outside of the box. I wasn't sure if I would ever pass, but I was certain that I was not going to give up. Apex presented a challenge and I accepted. All of the sales they ran didn't hurt either. I spend more on coffee weekly, then  it cost to attempt an eval for a month. 

Now that I have passed an eval, I have to carry that momentum into trading the funded account. Based on their bootcamp videos, they want consistent traders with a strategy that respects risk management and not swinging for the moon every time. I believe I fall in that category now, but we will see if my strategy continues to dominate in the next phase. 

I have watched a lot of Youtube videos about prop trading and Apex as a company, and have read good and bad reviews. However, I needed to experience trading for Apex myself. Now of course, if you know how to pass, then you will have mostly good things to say. But if you can't pass because you need to develop your trading skills a little more, you might express your dislike for the company and the process. So don't let other people influence your choices, some people have the X factor and some don't. Some people look at failure as an opportunity to get better and others blame their failures on everyone but themselves. Trading is business, a sport, and a skill. Your goal should be to become a master of your craft. Learn the game, create your strategy, and win.

I am a regular person just like you, that saw Youtube videos and became curious about trading for prop firms. So please don't think you can't do this too. My advice to you, is to sign up for Apex's free 30 day sniper bootcamp, and watch all of the videos until they make sense. You do not have to pay for the sniper program unless you want to, but the knowledge they share in their bootcamp videos, is enough to get you started down the right path to trade their money. Remember, their money, their rules, plan accordingly. 

In the future, I may or may not train and share my strategies with OVBE members, but I am in no rush. Or rather, I am too busy trading my personal and prop accounts to focus on teaching my peers. If I did create a course, I would want to be able to give people my undivided attention until they were successful. Which means, if you join the crew we are partners for as long as I am alive. The team is only as strong as the weakest link.

Until then, congratulations to me! I passed my first Apex eval and hopefully, I can last longer than 90 days. I plan to pass a few more and will share my progress as I make it.

Stay tuned, because one of these days, I will start adding my trading videos to Youtube so you can see first hand, how I  get busy. In parting, trust the process, enjoy the journey, believe in yourself, and remember we all have 24 hours in a day, use your time wisely. America is the greatest country in the world and the easiest to build wealth. No excuses!

YouTube: Red Pill Futures Matrix

Zero K Absolute 
