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NQ 12/9/23 Kompress Daily Chart Bull Reversal Candle

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Temet Nosce,

As I stated before Friday December 8, 2023, I was holding some PUT options and wanted to wait until I saw signs of a reversal to exit. Well, the market took me on a ride when the 12/9/23 candle developed. I was waiting for a QDC or price to surpass the level of the recent QSC, which it did very fast. I was able to cut my losses and buy XND and MNQ CALL options, but I should have listened to all of the signs on the chart, because they did just what I created them to do.

On the chart above there is a red line through the 12/8/23 daily yellow bar on the Kompress, Curve arrow, and the candle itself. The yellow Kompress bar indicated selling pressure was slowing and a possiblenreversal to the bull side was on the way. The curve indicator also had a green up arrow which signified a possible upward trend was in progress, on top of an orange Kompress dot on a bullish curve. There was also a Kompress dot on the cyan bull fire which was above the bear fire, and the candle was GREEEEN!!!

I missed that reversal big time, because I wanted the PUT options to continue to grow in value, when I actually should have exited the options two days earlier. I got a little too greedy, however, I will not make the same mistake twice. My skills have evolved so much that I thought I was telling the indicator which way I wanted the market to go, but of course it was the other way around, lesson learned!

As my CALL options become more valuable, I may take my profit early and live to fight another day. Or, wait until I see consecutive blue bear reversal candles and a bearish curve, in addition to the bear fire crossing above the bull fire. Either way, I will attempt to remove all bias from my decision making process, and go where the market takes. Before I can make the choice, I must understand why I am making the choice, because the choice has already been made, I just have to recognize if the choice that presents itself is the choice I am choosing or the choice I am destined to choose.

Invest Wisely,
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